Sunday, February 28, 2010

39 - Philly to Seattle

Some of my views from yesterday:



Yesterday I was up at 3:45am EST in Philly (that's 12:45am PST in Seattle), and by 6am I was on a plane from Philly to Chicago. After some delays on the runway, and a crazy mad dash running through O'Hare, I then boarded another plane headed for Seattle. By 10am PST (1pm EST), I had landed in Seattle. By noon, I'd met up with my family and accomplished my goal -- surprising my dad with my visit. 

I didn't actually take any pictures the rest of the day. I was thoroughly exhausted (since I'd been up since 12:45am Seattle time), but mostly just enjoyed spending time with my family. I'll be here for a week, as my dad is having heart surgery on Tuesday. Even though I had to leave Josh in Philly, I'm really glad I was able to come, and I'm really looking forward to this time with my family. Please keep us and my dad in your prayers this week.


Sheena LaShay said...

Umm..that last picture. Isn't your camera supposed to be off at that point! Bad hannah!

Just wanted to let you know I nominated you with the Sunshine Award.

Hannah said...

Umm... perhaps! But, as it happens, I never heard the electronics announcement. I had drifted off, and woke up because... well, I don't know why! Although, after I took the picture, I had the same thought (that it was probably past the electronics allowed on point) so I put it away. Am I still in trouble? :)