Friday, July 9, 2010

140 - Tales from the Art Museum

I know I already shared my favorite shot of the day, but I figure since I didn't take my camera with me when Jacob and I went to Dorney Park, I can fill you in with a few more shots from our art museum visit.

These aren't the Rocky steps... and while I couldn't convince Jacob to run up the steps (he claimed he did so last year -- details, schmetails), I did force him to stand in front of the Rocky statue. And I took a picture. But I'm not a totally evil big sister, so I'm not posting it. I am posting me taking a photo of him taking a photo. Of a cool sword. So it's ok. 

And speaking of cool, this chess set makes me drool a little bit. Unfortunately, its price tag makes me remember that I probably will want to eat for, oh, the next few months, too.

So instead of playing chess with those sweet game pieces, I guess I'll just have to look at this dude and his horse. Or, the armor for some dude and his horse. I bet his life was far more interesting than a game of chess anyway. Right?

Aaaaand... that's all! The end! Hooray for the Philadelphia Museum of Art!


Barb said...

This photo is a keeper because of the boy, the statue and the name...what a combination!

Hannah said...

Glad you like it. I do, too. =)