Friday, May 21, 2010

110 - Ayuda Art Show

Tonight was the Ayuda Community Center Youth Art Exhibit & Gala. This is the event I was asked to donate prints to, and asked for your help with. Anywho, here is a very quick snapshot of the photos in frames before they were rushed off to Ayuda in the non-existent time before work this morning:

They did sell (woohoo! I was definitely pretty nervous about that...), and they're off to a good home. Hooray. =)

It was a pretty great evening, with tons of artwork by both students and "patrons" available, and a number of really fun performances by the kids. Josh and I managed to win the silent auction for a piece of student artwork (though, admittedly, I fought for that piece and was watching it like a hawk, hehe!), and we also grabbed a $100 gift card for a site that does canvas prints -- for $30. Not bad!

Here are a few shots from the night:

Ayuda does amazing things with and for our community, and if you're looking for a way to help out, definitely check out their website. But, quick plug -- if you're looking for a free, easy, and quick thing you can do, go to the Pepsi Refresh contest website and help vote for the Hunting Park murals entry! One of the murals they're hoping to get funding for is one that was designed by youth in the Ayuda mural class, and it's a pretty cool one. Alrighty, that's my plug, and with that, I'm done. =)

1 comment:

Josh Chen said...

That art show was fantastic! And it's awesome that you captured some of the action. How did you time getting Aaron while he did his break-dancing?