Thursday, April 22, 2010

91 - GreensGrow

Even though we live in the middle of inner-city Philly, Josh and I have enjoyed getting our green on... specifically in regards to growing our own veggies and herbs. Though our back yard is probably smaller than most of your walk-in closets (ok, maybe it's a tiny bit bigger, but not by much), we are fortunate enough to have an L-shaped plot of soil in one of our corners (the rest is concrete blocks). Our little soil patch is about 1.5 feet deep, and we've also gathered quite a few pots and planters to use as well. 

Last year we planted a number of veggies and herbs and also participated in the CSA that our community garden did. Needless to say, for about 4 months last year, I don't think we consumed very many veggies that didn't come from within 4 blocks of our house. There definitely is something to be said for fresh, very local food. It tastes so much better, and you know exactly where it came from and what went into growing it. I like that. 

Josh and I have been pretty excited to get our garden going again this year (as evidenced by this post), and we finally managed to squeeze in a visit to GreensGrow Farm. GreensGrow isalso in the middle of the city of Philadelphia, and in addition to selling produce and having its own CSA (although they call it City Supported Agriculture), they also have a nursery where they have all different sorts of "starter" plants. With the craziness of this year, Josh and I just decided to take the "easy" way out and get most of our plants from GreensGrow. The prices are reasonable, everything's organic, and the cost will be more than covered after about, oh, one week of produce! 

Plus, you get to use the sweet old-fashioned wagons to load everything up... and it doesn't get much better than that! 

1 comment:

Josh Chen said...

I think my favorite picture in this series is the 3rd from the bottom. There's a nice contrast between the two halves of the picture from the plants in focus on the cart and the fading walkway. =) Plus I'm not in it!